2024 Booth Artists
First Name | Last Name | Business Name | Website | Booth Number | Medium |
Ron | Purvis | Ron Purvis Art | 11-Oct | Wood | |
Brett | Varney | https://brett.art | 110 | Drawings/Pastels | |
Mark | McNerney | Herron Island Creations | 111 | Wood | |
Dan | Filler | fillerfogg design | https://fillerfogg.com | 112 | Printmaking |
Briggs | Shore | Briggs Shore Ceramics | https://www.briggsshoreceramics.com | 113 | Ceramics |
Cathryn and Keith | Bassett | White Pelican Designs | https://www.whitepelicandesigns.com/ | 114 | Jewelry |
mychal | mitchell | Iona Handcrafted Books, LLC | https://www.ionahandcraftedbooks.com | 115 | Wearables/Leather |
Nils | Dougan | Art by Nils Dougan | https://www.nilsdougan.com | 12 | Mixed Media 2D |
craig | Hagstrom | craig hagstrom jewelry collections | 120 | Jewelry | |
Sandy | Bridgewater | Sandy Bridgewater Fine Art | https://www.SandyBridgewater.com | 121 | Paintings |
Atenas | Morales Aguilar | Scarabajo | https://www.scarabajo.com/ | 122 | Fiber |
Janel | Pahl | janel Pahl | https://www.janelpahlart.com/ | 123 | Mixed Media 2D |
Aurin and Philip C. | Panepento | Panepento Jewelry Designs | https://www.panepentojewelrydesigns.com | 124 | Jewelry |
John and Donna | Harden | John Harden Design | https://www.johnhardendesign.com/ | 125 | Wood |
Susan | Mankowski | Suzi's Glass Gardens | https://suzisglass.com | 13 | Glass |
Katzie | Hughes | Hughes & Templin | https://www.hughes-templin.com | 130 | Jewelry |
Scott | Templin | Hughes & Templin | https://www.hughes-templin.com | 130 | Jewelry |
Hong | Rubinstein | One Dream Design | http://www.onedreamdesign.com | 131-132 | Ceramics |
Keith | Harrop | Kam Harwell corp. | https://keithharrop.com | 133 | Drawings/Pastels |
Amanda | Paul | AJ Paul Photography | https://www.ajpaul.photo | 134-135 | Photography/Digital |
Justin | Hillgrove | Imps and Monsters | http://www.impsandmonsters.com | 136 | Paintings |
Jeni | Lee | https://www.jenileeart.com/ | 14-15 | Paintings | |
David | Parry | Whistle Post Pottery | https://www.whistlepostpottery.com/ | 20 | Ceramics |
Neil | Russell Greenidge | Neilzeye | Https://www.neilzeye.com | 21 | Mixed Media 3D |
brendan | fuller | brendan fuller ceramics | https://www.brendanfullerceramics.com | 210 | Ceramics |
helena | cernigoj | Helena Margareta - Exotic Fibertwists Studio | https://www.helenamargareta.com | 211 | Wearables/Leather |
Jenny | Foulkes | Jenny Foulkes Jewelry | https://www.jennyfoulkesjewelry.com | 212 | Jewelry |
Louise | Munro | Louise Munro Art | https://www.louisemunroart.com | 213 | Drawings/Pastels |
Erin | Pietsch | Pietsch Pottery | https://erinlpietsch.fineartstudioonline.com | 214 | Ceramics |
Tim | Wistrom | Tim Wistrom Fine Art Paintings | https://timwistrom.com/ | 215 | Paintings |
Erskine | Wood | Erskine Wood Photography | https://erskinewood.com | 22 | Photography/Digital |
Annie | Chrietzberg | Annie Chrietzberg | https://earthtoannie.com/home.html | 220 | Ceramics |
Shamila | Jiwa | Shamila | Fine Jewelry | https://www.shamila.com/ | 221 | Jewelry |
ilse | coffman | ilsecoffmanart | https://www.ilsecoffman.com | 222 | Mixed Media 2D |
Graham | Schodda | Stainless Steelheads | www.stainlesssteelheads.com | 223 | Garden Art/Metal |
Sarah | Goodnough | Sarah Goodnough | https://www.sarahgoodnough.com | 224-225 | Paintings |
Jennah and Paul | Litecky Yost | FireSmith Copper | https://www.firesmithcopper.com/ | 230-231 | Garden Art/Metal |
Hannah | Fountain | Hannah Fountain Art | https://hannahfountainart.com | 232 | Paintings |
Sandy and Dale | Dahlberg | Everbloomin Glass Flowers | everbloominglassflowers.com | 23-24 | Garden Art/Metal |
Deborah | Brownstein | Deb Brownstein Design | https://www.mangiabenecatering.net | 233 | Ceramics |
Deborah | Brownstein | Deb Brownstein Design | https://www.mangiabenecatering.net | 233 | Fiber |
Eugene and Marjorie | Dwiggins | Dwiggins Illuminations | https://leather.dwiggins.com | 234-235 | Mixed Media 2D |
Tim and Tonah | Potter | BOHO Art by Potter | https://bohoartbypotter.com | 236 | Garden Art/Metal |
Pam | Sharp | prairie skullpture | https://www.prairieskullpture.com | 30 | Mixed Media 2D |
Lily | West | Ida Loves Dresses | http://www.idalovesdresses.com | 31 | Wearables/Leather |
Arunas | Oslapas | Red Rivet Studios | https://www.redrivetstudios.net/ | 310-311 | Mixed Media 3D |
Maile | Sand | Canopy Studio | https://Canopyartstudio.com | 312 | Paintings |
Pepe | Moscoso | 313 | Mixed Media 2D | ||
Enrique | De Los Angeles | De Los Angeles Weaving | 314 | Fiber | |
Ron | Dobrowski | Ron Dobrowski Photography | https://www.rondobrowski.com/ | 315 | Photography/Digital |
Maia | Leisz | Maia Leisz Fine Arts | http://maialeisz.com | 320 | Paintings |
Uli | Kirchler | Uli Kirchler | https://www.ulikirchler.com | 321 | Wood |
Jan | Schultz | Jan Schultz Designs LLC | 322 | Mixed Media 3D | |
Ian | Petersen | Map Your Adventure | https://mapyouradventure.com | 323 | Photography/Digital |
Paul | Nzalamba | Nzalamba Artworks | www.nzalamba-artworks.com | 32-33 | Mixed Media 2D |
Lungala | Rubadiri | Nzalamba Artworks | www.nzalamba-artworks.com | 32-33 | Mixed Media 2D |
Martin | Taber | Martin Taber | https://taberstudios.com | 324 | Jewelry |
Tomas | Vrba | Tomas Vrba Studio | www.tomasvrba.com | 330 | Sculpture |
Alison | Sweeney | Bernadette's Handmade Jewelry | https://www.alison-bernadettes.com/ | 331 | Jewelry |
Wayne | Harrel | 332 | Wood | ||
Dan and Joi | LaChaussee | LaChaussee Blown Glass | https://lachausseeblownglass.com | 333 | Glass |
Kris | Sproul | Kris Sproul Photography | https://www.sproulphoto.com | 334-335 | Photography/Digital |
ashley | heitzman | ashley may jewelry | https://www.ashleymayjewelry.com | 34 | Jewelry |
Brandon | Cook | Barehands Workshop | http://barehandsworkshop.com | 35 | Wood |
Megan | Lim | MALA Glass Art | https://malaglassart.com/ | 36 | Glass |
Jaimee | Gentile | Paintings For Hummingbirds | https://www.paintingsforhummingbirds.com | 410 | Paintings |
Syed | Ahmad | Art Fusion | https://www.syedartglass.com | 411 | Glass |
Hester | van Diggelen | Hester van Diggelen Jewelry | https://www.hestervandiggelen.com | 412 | Jewelry |
Ula | Nero | Ula Nero Art | https://www.ulaneroart.com/ | 413 | Painting |
Philip | Mack | https://drawn2draw.com | 414 | Drawings/Pastels | |
Amy | Buettner | Metalsmiths, Amy Buettner and Tucker Glasow | https://www.amybuettner.com | 415 | Jewelry |
Tucker | Glasow | Metalsmiths, Amy Buettner and Tucker Glasow | https://www.amybuettner.com | 415 | Jewelry |
James | Diem | Hawkeye Design | https://hawkeyedesign.com/ | 420 | Ceramics |
Sydni | Sterling | Sterling Studio | https://www.sydnisterling.com | 421 | Paintings |
bruce | allison | paperwings studio | https://www.paperwingsstudio.comtt | 422 | Mixed Media 2D |
Rebekah | Zeimetz | Bekah Zeimetz Art | https://www.bekahzeimetz.com | 423 | Paintings |
Gayle Whiteley | Minjarez | GAYLE WHITELEY MINJAREZ JEWELRY ART | https://www.gayleminjarezjewelry.com/home | 424 | Jewelry |
Jeff | Gracz | Elemental Images Fine Art Photography | https://www.JeffGraczPhotography.com | 425 | Photography/Digital |
Noelle | Dass | Artimals Studio | https://noelledass.com/ | 430 | Paintings |
Noelle | Dass | Artimals Studio | https://noelledass.com/ | 430 | Photography/Digital |
Liane | Crigler | Ten2Midnight Studios | https://www.ten2midnightstudios.com/ | 431 | Glass |
Victoria | Julian-Gray | The Bag Ladies of Sequim, WA | https://www.thebagladiesofsequimwa.com/ | 432 | Wearables/Leather |
Renee | Look | Renee's Creation | 433 | Printmaking | |
Chip and Linda Christian | Babb | Creative Effects Co. - LindaRae Jewelry | https://lindarae.com | 434 | Jewelry |
Chip and Linda Christian | Babb | Creative Effects Co. - LindaRae Jewelry | https://lindarae.com | 434 | Photography/Digital |
Heather | Kolbo | https://www.hkdesignpdx.com | 435 | Mixed Media 2D | |
Megan | Nielsen | Canyon & Cove | https://canyonandcoveart.com | 436 | Paintings |
Sabine and David | Schran-Collings | Sabine Schran-Collings Contemporary Jewelry | https://www.davidandsabine.com | 510 | Jewelry |
Brian and Wendy | Fuller | Fairview Lake Studios | https://www.fairviewlakestudios.com/#/ | 511 | Ceramics |
Tim | Lord | Crowcat Studio 8 | https://timlord.com | 512 | Paintings |
Daniel | Cautrell | Daniel Cautrell Art | https://www.danielcautrell.com | 513 | Printmaking |
Michelle | Wright | Wright | https://www.rushingriverdesign.com/ | 514 | Wood |
Craig | Goodwin | Craig Goodwin Photography | http://www.craiggoodwinphoto.com/ | 520 | Photography/Digital |
Lee | Drake | Lee Drake Design | https://m.facebook.com/LeeDrakeDesign/ | 521 | Jewelry |
CJ | Morrison | Roaming Roots | HTTPS://roamingroots.co | 522 | Wood |
Collette | Mason | CMarie Northwest | https://www.cmarienorthwest.com | 523 | Paintings |
Shelly | Weber | PNW GIRL | https://www.pnwgirlsequim.com/ | 524 | Fiber |
Tyler | Haas | Tyler Haas Designs | https://www.tylerhaasdesigns.com | 530 | Jewelry |
Meredith | Chernick | Fern Street Pottery | https://fernstreetpottery.com | 531 | Ceramics |
Sandy | Tweed | https://sandytweed.com/ | 532 | Paintings | |
Rob | Satterwhite | Metal Water Fire | https://metalwaterfire.com | 533 | Garden Art/Metal |
Carolyn | Doe | https://www.carolyndoe.com/ | 534 | Paintings | |
Jake | Szramek | Jake Toys | 535 | Wood | |
Jude | Sharp | The Unsweetened Tooth | https://TheUnsweetenedTooth.com | 536 | Traditional Crafts |
Robert | Tilley | Rob Tilley Photography | http://www.robtilleyphotos.com/ | 610 | Photography/Digital |
Ezekiel | Fee | Ezekiel Fee Fine Art | https://ezekielfeefineart.com | 611 | Paintings |
Celeste | Wong | Celeste Watch Company | https://www.celestewatch.com | 612 | Jewelry |
Laura | Ruuska | Seattle Stitchery | https://www.seattlestitchery.com | 613 | Wearables/Leather |
Michelle | Purvis | My Art Maker, LLC | https://michelleLpurvis.squarespace.com | 614 | Mixed Media 2D |
Kim | Nickens | Paper Cut | https://papercutkim.com/ | 615 | Fiber |
Donna | Taylor Mayo | of Water Wind and Woods | https://www.ofwaterwindandwoods.com/ | 620-621 | Glass |
Ross | Collado | ROSS | https://www.rosscollado.com | 622 | Paintings |
Cindy | Persson | 623 | Mixed Media 2D | ||
Courtney | Lipson | Courtney Denise Lipson | https://www.cdljewelry.com/ | 624 | Jewelry |
William | Vanscoy | Vanscoy Photography | https://www.vanscoyphotography.com | 625 | Photography/Digital |
Maggie | D'Alise | Olive Branch/A Taste of Eden | https://www.atasteofeden.com | 630 | Traditional Crafts |
Napatorn | Chesnut | Napat Craft LLC | https://www.napatcraft.com | 631 | Traditional Crafts |
Douglas | Deardorff | https://www.dougspuzzles.com | 632 | Traditional Crafts | |
samba | daramy | Authentic African Art llc | 633 | Fiber | |
Noey | Hunt | Second Stitch Clothing | https://secondstitchclothing.com | 634 | Wearables/Leather |
Jeannie | Riley | Riley's spice of life | https://rileyspice.com/ | 635 | Traditional Crafts |
Dawne | Olsen | Authentic | https://www.authentichempcompany.com | 636 | Traditional Crafts |
Erin | Linton | Orphan Girl Fine Art | https://www.orphangirlfineart.com/ | 710-711 | Mixed Media 2D |
Ewa | Charzynski | Ewa's Mache Creations | 712 | Sculpture | |
Jennifer | Graves | Lolly Jo Lolli | https://Lollyjololli.com | 713 | Jewelry |
Tim | Davis | Tim Davis Images | https://timdavisimages.com | 713 | Photography/Digital |
Andy | Sewell | Andy Sewell Fine Art | https://www.finewatercolors.com | 714 | Paintings |
Kelli | MacConnell | https://www.kellimacconnell.com | 715 | Printmaking | |
Jason | Michaelson | https://www.kellimacconnell.com | 715 | Printmaking | |
Rachel | Morris | Eclectic Nature Jewelry & Design | http://eclecticnaturejewelry.com | 720 | Jewelry |
Andrea | Lopez | independent artist | https://www.andrealopez.gallery | 721 | Mixed Media 2D |
Natalie | Warrens | Natalie Warrens Ceramic Design | https://hwww.nataliewarrens.com | 722 | Ceramics |
Veronique | Loggins | WabiSabiEtc | https://WabiSabiEtc.com | 723 | Wearables/Leather |
Oceana | Larsen | Bureau de Bureau | https://www.bureaudebureau.com/ | 724 | Wood |
Lucas | Schwartz | Bureau de Bureau | https://www.bureaudebureau.com/ | 724 | Wood |
Steven | Mast | https://facebook.com/mast-metal-art | 725 | Sculpture | |
Kasydy | Elliott | Let's Do Lavender | https://www.letsdolavender.com | 730-731 | Traditional Crafts |
Kelly | Lee | Twistedcaster | https://www.twistedcaster.net | 732 | Fiber |
Pamela and Todd | Robinson | Robinson Soft Brittle | https://www.robinsonsoftbrittle.com | 733 | Traditional Crafts |
Molly | Jacobson | Blackberry Moon Farm | https://www.blackberrymoonfarm.com/ | 734-735 | Traditional Crafts |
Rachael | Gallagher | Rain City Rae's | https://www.raincityraes.com | 736 | Traditional Crafts |
Ravinder | Bajwa | RavK Studio | https://www.ravkstudio.com | 810 | Ceramics |
Sue | Dranchak | Dranchak Studio | https://www.dranchakstudio.com | 811 | Paintings |
Andrew | Holmberg | Andrew Holmberg Glass | https://www.andrewholmberg.com/ | 812-813 | Glass |
Nicholas | Vicknair | Vicknair Arts | https://www.nicholasvicknairdesigns.com | 814-815 | Mixed Media 2D |
Nicholas | Vicknair | Vicknair Arts | https://www.nicholasvicknairdesigns.com | 814-815 | Mixed Media 3D |
Leonard | Tinnell | Mercurial Arts | https://mercurialart.com | 820 | Glass |
Rachel | Harvey | Rachel Harvey Art | http://www.rachelharveyart.com | 821-822 | Paintings |
Sherry | Scharschmidt | catsdogswords.com | https://www.catsdogswords.com/ | 823 | Mixed Media 3D |
Angela | Ehrig | Engayla | 824 | Fiber | |
Cherie | Keese | Bad Bee Jewelry | https://BadBeeJewelry.com | 825 | Jewelry |
Stan | Oneil | Oneils Arts | http://www.oneils-arts.com/index.html | 830 | Glass |
Michelle | Lierre | Lierre Filigree Jewelry | https://Www.Lierrefiligree.com | 831 | Jewelry |
Peter | Jones | Peter Jones Watercolors | 832 | Paintings | |
Erin | MacLeod | Erin MacLeod | https://www.erinmacleod.com/ | 833 | Wearables/Leather |
Jenna | Goodman | Sunspot Creative - DBA: Sunspot Wood Art | https://www.sunspotseries.com/ | 834 | Mixed Media 3D |
Ann and Mark | Thorsteinson | Thorsteinson Woodworking | https://thorsteinsons.com | 835 | Wood |
David | Egnatz | Hangloose Hammock Company,LLC | https://www.hangloosehammocks.com | 910 | Fiber |
Sarah | Northcraft Martin | Iron Princess Studios | https://www.ironprincessstudios.com | 911 | Sculpture |
Damon and Nick | Vracin | Nomad Leather | www.etsy.com/shop/nomadleathernw | 912 | Wearables/Leather |
Liz | Park | Liz Park Studio | https://www.lizparkart.com | 913 | Paintings |
Leslie | McCray | Sweater Heads | https://www.sweaterheads.net/ | 914 | Wearables/Leather |
Peter and Jeannie | Sibbett | Sibbett Studio | 915 | Wood | |
Andrea | Wolf | https://www.firewolfstudios.com | 920 | Ceramics | |
Ryan | McAbery | Modern Terrain | https://www.modernterrain.com/ | 921 | Mixed Media 2D |
Briston | Trapp | Trapp Industries | 922 | Garden Art/Metal | |
Krystal | Munday | Silver Borders | https://www.silverborders.com | 923 | Jewelry |
Eileen | Sorg | Two Dog Studio | https://hwww.twodogstudio.com | 924-925 | Drawings/Pastels |
Betsy | Pozzanghera | B. Pozzitive Bags | Https://www.bpozzitivebags.com | 930 | Wearables/Leather |
catherine | call | Artsplosion | https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArtsplosionStudio | 931 | Sculpture |
Shanni | Welsh | Fat Dragonfly Collection | https://hwww.fatdragonfly.com | 932 | Mixed Media 3D |
Cassie and Evan | Schaefer | Priest Lake Art & Glass | https://www.facebook.com/PriestLakeArtandGlass | 933 | Glass |
Chris | Stiles | Chris Stiles Art | https://www.artautistic.com/ | 934 | Drawings/Pastels |
Andy | Hill | Freeborn Metal Art | 935-936 | Garden Art/Metal | |
Tim | Lord | Crowcat Studio 8 | https://timlord.com | Mixed Media 3D |