Gallery Awards Sponsorships

Sponsor an award or awards to be provided to the winning artists in the Festival’s Juried Art Gallery!

Gallery Award sponsors’ names will be posted next to each category of art they sponsor and their name will appear in the festival brochure and on the website.

Sponsorship is also available for the Gallery Arts Awards Ceremony, held on the Sunday prior to the Festival. At this event, the awards are presented to artists, and sponsors are recognized for their support. Please contact for information.

As an option to sponsoring an award in your own name, please consider a memorial or tribute to honor someone special or to commemorate an occasion. Should you choose to do so, enter the information below as you wish it to appear on Edmonds Arts Festival documents and publicity materials.

If your billing information differs from the information as you wish it to appear in Festival documents and publicity, please complete the “Public Display…” fields in the “Additional Information” section.  If no information is included in the Public Display fields, we will assume that your billing information should be used in Festival documents and publicity.

Sponsorship opportunities will be open for the following in 2025:

  • Paintings

  • Mixed Media 2D

  • Sculpture

  • Photography

  • Artisan Works

  • Drawings

  • Digital

  • Miniatures

  • Prints

  • Small Artisan Works

Benefits of Being a Sponsor

Your name or business name will appear as the presenting sponsor:

  • in the official Festival Program

  • on the plaque next to the award-winning art

  • on the Festival website

Each sponsor will be recognized as the presenting sponsor of the award during the Gallery Arts Award Ceremony.

Sponsors who purchase awards totaling $1,000 or more will receive two tickets to Celebrate Arts Party.