Edmonds Arts Festival “Glows Up” with 2024 Poster and Artist

Heidi Farina creates “Gloaming on Mount Baker” for the 2024 Edmonds Arts Festival Poster

You are enjoying a leisurely stroll on a windswept Edmonds beach. The skies are clear, the air is brisk and the sun is setting. Magic hour is coming to a close. You take a deep breath and soak up the beauty of the waterfront, especially after a string of rainy days. As you scan the landscape one last time as the sun disappears, you’re rewarded with a jaw-dropping glow off of that majestic mountain to the north, Mount Baker.

This is the view that Seattle landscape artist Heidi Farina captures in her painting, “Gloaming on Mount Baker”, to be featured as the 2024 poster art for the Edmonds Arts Festival. Heidi’s painting showcases Mount Baker over the Salish Sea at twilight. The alpenglow warmly illuminates the monolithic mountain, contrasted by dynamic, turbulent waves breaking on the beach. The color palette of yellows, pinks, and purples on the mountain and soft blues, yellows, and grays on the water emphasizes this beautiful Edmonds scene.

Heidi’s art is inspired by Pacific Northwest landscapes, including mountains, forests, and sea. She began university majoring in Fine Art, focusing on Oil Painting and Sculpture. After moving from Ohio to Wyoming, pulled towards two different passions, she majored in Ecology and minored in Fine Art, while commuting to Colorado to teach snowboarding at A-Basin every weekend.

While Heidi ended up in Ecology/ Genetics as a full-time career for 15 years, her love of art continued and meshed well with her love of mountain state ecology and adventures. In the past 15 years she has moved from Wyoming to California to Washington, with mountain and ocean terrain guiding her activities and shaping her inspiration source along the way. Eventually that inspiration led her full circle, to a full-time art career. Now Heidi lives in North Seattle with her husband of 17 years and 3-year-old daughter.

“The western states’ terrain are rugged, remote, beautiful, and awe-inspiring,” says Heidi. “My goal is to share with you some of the most beautiful spots in this world through my art and help foster an appreciation for preserving these sacred places.”

As the Festival’s 2024 Featured Artist, Heidi’s paintings will be on display and for sale in the Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation Gallery at the Frances Anderson Center. In addition, she will have a booth on the Edmonds Plaza. You can see more of Heidi’s art at https://circle-magnolia-w7be.squarespace.com or a full body of her work can be found on Instagram @HeidiFarinaArt.

You’ll be able to purchase the poster during the Edmonds Arts Festival at the Festival Store.

The Edmonds Arts Festival will run Father’s Day weekend, June 14-16, 2024 at the Frances Anderson Center, 700 Main St., Edmonds. Learn more at edmondsartsfestival.com.


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