Ways to Give

There are many ways you can support the Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation’s mission to bring art to the community and support students pursuing an education in the arts. The Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (ID# 91-1092321), so your gift is tax-deductible.

For information about how to make a cash or non-cash donation, please email donations@edmondsartsfestival.com.

Make a Cash Donation

You can use our donation form to make a direct cash donation to the Foundation. Donations are processed through PayPal, so you can use your PayPal account or a credit card.

You may also mail a check to Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation, P.O. Box 699, Edmonds, WA 98020.

For wire transfer instructions, please email donations@edmondsartsfestival.com.



Support The Edmonds Arts Festival Association and promote your business.

Festival Sponsorship levels start at $100. 

Gallery Award Sponsorships are also available starting at $100.


Other Ways to Give

RA Charitable Rollover or Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can gift up to $100,000 annually directly from your IRA to a qualified charity. Provided that the Internal Revenue Code eligibility requirements are met, the gift amount will be excluded from your taxable income and count toward your required minimum distribution.

Life Insurance Policies

Many people find that the protection offered by life insurance policies is no longer needed later in life and use it as a tool for charitable giving. The procedure is simple: start by irrevocably assigning your insurance policy to the Foundation and naming the Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation as the beneficiary of the policy as well. You can make annual tax-deductible contributions to cover the policy’s annual premium. If the policy is paid up, you will receive an immediate tax deduction in an amount equal to the policy’s cash surrender value.

Donate Appreciated Securities

By donating appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, you can avoid capital gains tax, and your charitable donation for federal income tax purposes will be based on the fair market value of the securities on the date the gift is made. You will receive a gift acknowledgement from the Foundation for the full fair market value of the securities you donate.  If your stocks, bonds, or mutual funds are held in a brokerage account, ask your broker to contact the Foundation for more information.

Donate Real Estate

A gift of real estate that you have owned for more than a year entitles you to a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the property while allowing you to avoid paying capital gains tax. Gifts of real estate may include a house, apartment building, farm, vacation home, commercial buildings, and income-producing or non-income-producing land. You can make an outright gift of real property now or through your estate. This process includes certain procedural steps including a site visit to the property, a qualified appraisal, a preliminary title report, and an environmental assessment.


Make a Planned Gift

Planned giving is a great way to make sure your love for the arts becomes part of your legacy. Planned gifts can also reduce your tax burden, or the tax burden of your estate. Here are some ways you can make a planned gift to the Foundation.

Bequest through a Living Will or Trust

One of the simplest ways to make a planned gift is to include a statement in your will or living trust that a share of your estate will be donated to the Foundation. Bequests are deductible as charitable gifts for estate tax purposes and can include most assets.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity provides a guaranteed fixed lifetime income that is partially tax-free, provides an income tax deduction, and often has attractive income rates, particularly for people age 70 and older. The charitable remainder creates a permanent flow of funds for the Foundation.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable remainder trust provides either a fixed or variable lifetime income and an immediate tax donation to you. By using a CRT, you can reduce capital gains and estate taxes. After the trust terminates, the charitable remainder is directed toward the foundation. We do not create trust agreements, but if you are already working with an attorney or financial advisor, they can help you with this.

Charitable Lead Trust

A charitable lead trust is a great option if you want to provide for charity now but still leave an inheritance for your children and grandchildren while minimizing estate taxes. While a variety of asset types can be used, one of the most common is revenue-generating real estate like apartment buildings or commercial buildings. In all cases, the income from the trust comes to the Foundation for a number of years you specify. When the trust is terminated, the assets within the trust can either return to you or be given to another party such as children or grandchildren.

Planned giving tools are usually created by working with your attorney or financial advisor.